answered question
A debit is an accounting entry which results in either an increase in assets or a decrease in liabilities on a company's balance sheet or in someone's bank account. Whereas credit is an accounting entry that either decreases assets or increases liabilities and equity on the company's balance sheet. A debit entry reduces net income … Read more
answered question
Shield volcanoes are flat and broad and are built almost entirely of fluid Lava flowing from time to time in all directions from a central point of a group of different points.  These flows ultimately result in a broad shape with a slight slope.  Composite volcanoes are mostly steep-sided symmetrically shaped and ofRead more
answered question
The typical elements of a project Life cycle are the initiation, planning, Execution and closure phases. However these phases can be further broken down by organizations for their respective needs. For example,  the major phases in the project life cycles of both a software designing organization and a business organization would be the same but … Read more
answered question

Ballet is a very good exercise and fun to do and it enhances your posture and flexibility with the passage of time.  In order to improve your splits, it is very important to stretch daily. You need to make sure that you stretch 15 mins before your session and for 5 mins after you're … Read more