answered question
It is the term used to mean discomfort or pain in either one of the breasts or both of them when they are touched or any kind of pressure is applied to them. In medical terms it is known as "Mastalgia". It normally occurs in menopause(cessation of menstrual cycles) in elderly women or sometimes in … Read more
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Nausea is a word from greek language meaning "sea sickness" . It is the sensation of discomfort & unease in the stomach with the urge to vomit & oftenly actual vomiting occurs subsequently. Nausea is not a sickness, but rather a symptom of various conditions. It can occur in some people while travelling, it can … Read more
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It‘s very rare that ear damage can occur with the excessive usage of ear plugs. The only effect they can have on your body is that, they can disturb your body equilibrium because the vestibular apparatus is located within the ear & its the part of the human body responsible for maintaining the body equilibrium. … Read more
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Parliamentary government is the one which is headed by the Prime Minister & he is constitutionally answerable to the parliament. Parliament may consists of 2 houses; Lower House(parliament) & Upper House(senate).
The Lower House is almost always the originator of legislation & the Upper House is to give a second look & the decision whether … Read more
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In day to day life SOS is the international code for distress "save our souls". In Medical Terminology, SOS is the abbreviation for Si-Opi-Situm. It means "If Necessary". Normally it is used by the physicians to intercommunicate amongst them regarding prescription of a particular medicine.
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Don't get worried at all because flu can occur even without the fever. Such kind of condition occurs normally when the weathers are changing, like from summer to winter & from winter to summer. You can take any anti-allergic medicine(anti-histamines) for it.