habib roky
habib roky answered Akhil R Nair's question

Hair are the identifying characteristic of mammals on Earth. Hair grow beneath the epidermis from hair follicle. Taking care of your hair is important, in spite of daily busy schedule. Voluminous hair gives one a good look together with the boost in personality and highlights your pampering nature. In rushing hours, where looking good in … Read more

habib roky
habib roky answered katherine smith's question

As a woman, finding the right outfit to wear to the gym can be a balancing act. On one hand, you want to be comfortable as you use the treadmill or lift weights but, on the other hand, you also don't want to draw negative attention to yourself by dressing provocatively. Finding the clothing to … Read more

habib roky
habib roky answered zack leon's question

On August 7, 1998, Al Qaeda suicide planes struck two U.S. Government offices in East Africa, murdering two hundred and twenty-four individuals, the vast majority of them Africans. After two weeks, President Bill Clinton propelled Operation Infinite Reach, a fusillade of voyage rockets went for a revealed Al Qaeda meeting in Afghanistan, and at a … Read more