You can get artificially inseminated by with your husband's sperm. They can take it from the testicles. But this is all very, very expensive. Your best bet is to get the procedure reversed. It is done relatively frequently and although more difficult than having it done to begin with, it is quite safe.

From two eggs and two sperms. Fraternal twins are not identical. Genetically they are like siblings but they are in the womb at the same time.
If he has not eaten in a week you should get the blood work done. Drooling is a bad sign as well. I know it can be expensive but it's been a week and he's not better yet.
I have never had a problem with giving cats regular 2% milk without mixing it with water. But it absolutely does need to be fresh. The only problem that I have with feeding cats milk is that it is quite fattening. So in that aspect it might be a good idea to add some water … Read more
It's hard to answer that question without more information. The runny nose thing is probably nothing but the drooling sounds more serious. I'm not a vet but I can tell you that the one time I had a drooling cat it turned out to be kidney failure. Hopefully it's nothing as serious as that but … Read more