Spotting During Ovulation?


5 Answers

L Z Profile
L Z answered
In preparation for ovulation, your hormones control the development of eggs in your ovaries and the preparation of the womb to receive a fertilized egg. About half way through your cycle, a single, ripe egg will break away from your ovary and travel through the fallopian tube to the uterus or womb. When the egg breaks free from the ovary, it may cause some small amount of bleeding and that blood can travel along through the tube and cause spotting. If the egg is fertilized, it will cause your hormones to retain the endometrial lining of the uterus where the egg will attach and begin growing a fetus. If the egg is not fertilized, different hormone levels will cause the lining to slough off, causing you to menstruate.

So, it is not unusual to bleed a little when you ovulate and is very normal for some women. I had spotting and even some pain when ovulating until I was around 35. It seems that after that it went away. If you find that you are bleeding much more than a "little bit" or if you run a fever or have great pain on one side or the other, do go to a gynecologist to have it checked out. Severe urinary tract infections can cause spotting and although it is pretty rare, sometimes a fertilized egg will plant inside the fallopian tube and begin to grow (ectopic pregnancy.) That is an emergency situation, but I believe what you are describing is normal "mittelschmertz" (middle pain) and spotting associated with ovulation.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I wish I knew cause I am expiring spotting and I just thought I was going to  start my period... And then I had unprotected sex and he DIDNT pull out so now I'm scared that I could have been ovulating and now there may be a chance that I could end up pregnant or am pregnant.
jiten singh Profile
jiten singh answered
How to count ovulation day
Nestor Stark Profile
Nestor Stark answered

I've been told lately that the spotting I have right now is from ovulation. Bloating and spotting are causes of ovulation. If it's mid cycle, 12-14th day of it, this could most likely be ovulation spotting. I'm not actually sure the percent of people who spot during ovulation, but many people now, I've noticed, spot. Or at least have very mild cramping and/ or bloating. Try google the percent if you want an exact number but other than that, if it's mid cycle, it's most likely ovulation. But you never know, it could be pregnancy, and maybe just ovulated early this cycle? I recommend you Ovulation Predictor through this you get instant of knowledge about Ovulation .

Suhail Ajmal Profile
Suhail Ajmal answered
It happened just after your period. Pinkish red colour looks brown. It is normal after periods and is just "cleaning out" your vagina. You can say this brown discharge old blood as old blood always looks brown.
thanked the writer.
L Z commented
n preparation for ovulation, your hormones control the development of eggs in your ovaries and the preparation of the womb to receive a fertilized egg. About half way through your cycle, a single, ripe egg will break away from your ovary and travel through the fallopian tube to the uterus or womb. When the egg breaks free from the ovary, it may cause some small amount of bleeding and that blood can travel along through the tube and cause spotting. If the egg is fertilized, it will cause your hormones to retain the endometrial lining of the uterus where the egg will attach and begin growing a fetus. If the egg is not fertilized, different hormone levels will cause the lining to slough off, causing you to menstruate.

So, it is not unusual to bleed a little when you ovulate and is very normal for some women. I had spotting and even some pain when ovulating until I was around 35. It seems that after that it went away. If you find that you are bleeding much more than a "little bit" or if you run a fever or have great pain on one side or the other, do go to a gynecologist to have it checked out. Severe urinary tract infections can cause spotting and although it is pretty rare, sometimes a fertilized egg will plant inside the fallopian tube and begin to grow (ectopic pregnancy.) That is an emergency situation, but I believe what you are describing is normal "mittelschmertz" (middle pain) and spotting associated with ovulation.

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