What Is The Difference Between EPHEDRA AND EPHEDRINE?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ephedra is great for weight loss.  It swells in your stomach and makes you feel full, it speeds up your heart rate, It has the properties of addrenaline, and once your body starts to build a tolerance it starts to become a thermogenic.  And yes it is illegal.  Several stupid people decided they could take large doces of it and it would help them perform in their sports better.  Since it speeds up your heart rate and they took large doces then they had heartattacks.  The ephedrine is sold as a medicine.  For congestion or asthma.  It is only part of the ephedra not all of it.  I will kinda do the same thing but normally there isn't much of it in the medicine.  Only enough to help with the symptoms you have not wieght loss. You wont get the same results.  There are however other supplement that have the same effect as ephedra that are still legal but they are hard to find.  Bitter orange is one of them.  Some of the high end weight loss pills have some of the subsatutes in them.
Peter Blan Profile
Peter Blan answered

Ephedra is a plant that has been used in China for thousands of years to treat conditions such as chest congestion, skin rashes, burns, allergies, asthma, and other breathing issues. Ephedrine is the main ingredient found in the ephedra sinica plant. It's an alkaloid and is a nitrogen-based compound.

Ephedrine is the ingredient responsible for weight loss and fat-burning. If you are looking for ephedrine products, it's important that you read the labels and make sure you don't buy one that says "ephedrine extract". It's not the real thing. Ephedrine has been proven to be effective with weight loss because it increases your body's core temperature (more info).

Be careful with how much you take as well. Many people took very high doses with caffeine pills or while taking certain meds and this is where you can experience some negative or intense side-effects. It's best to stick with the recommended daily dose in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle.

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