
My Period Hasn't Came This Month Yet,What's Wrong?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you stress about it, it will just delay more so its probably nothing
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Same here and I'm stressing out! I'm barely 13 but I've had my period for over a year. PLEASE HELP BY GIVING ME HINTS AND TIPS A.S.A.P!
Krystal DeLaRosa Profile
It could be many things: Pregnancy, stress, diet changes, hormones.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If its your 1-3 year it's normal for it to be irregular I'm waiting for mine to come too :P
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You may be pregnant or if you are old enough going through menopause. Well if you are in your teens it is normal for it to not come.

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