Why Is Weed Considered A Psychedelic?


2 Answers

Brock Samson Profile
Brock Samson answered
Marijuana belongs to a group of agents commonly known as hallucinogenics. "Psychedellics" also part of this grouping. While it is better to term marijuana into a class of "psychoactive compounds", I believe that this is getting too specific for your question.

In any case, some users report that the marijuana experience is "psychedelic". It can result in heightened awareness, or in a consciousness-expanding change in perspective, ideas about the self, life, etc.

As with other psychedelics, the effects of marijuana depend in part on how one interprets, uses, and learns to develop them. As pointed out by many researchers in the area of philosophical/psychological effects, the environment ("setting") is of great importance.
thanked the writer.
Brock Samson
Brock Samson commented
I don't know where my last reply went so I will repeat my self.

It's actually classified as a psychoactive drug (a classification in which psychadellics are also set). Psychoactive compounds are defined as compounds which alters brain function, resulting in temporary changes in perception, mood, consciousness and behavior.

Sound familiar? It should because thats exactly what marijuana does.

Long story short, marijuana can cause you to hallucinate which = "psychedelic"
tinga nih Profile
tinga nih answered
Weed shrinks your brain cells in the long run.. Causing too many mental effect.. Some good but mostly bad..
thanked the writer.
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tinga nih
tinga nih commented
You obviously didn't get what i said.. Science change from time to time.. Since 5,000 years ago technologies are not that great compared now.. There will always be changes.. Anyone in the medical field will tell you that.. Research has always been going and going.. As i said not YET.. Nothing is permanent... Thats all i know.. Ding*
Brock Samson
Brock Samson commented
Oh no, I completely understand. You are basing an ASSUMPTION on the fact that some study in the unforeseeable future *may* refute the thousands of studies done the world over for the past 100+ years. So actually, thats not "what you know", its what you are guessing. Ill stick to medical fact as proven by over a century of clinical studies. Thanks.
tinga nih
tinga nih commented
Yup.. Glad you now understand.. Yup that's what i know.. And i know what you said too.. I never said you were wrong.. =D try to read some updates.. And be open about it =D whats right a month ago may not be right now.. And oh yeah!! Your smart.. Very smart!!=D i know you like that.. =D

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