• Cannabis smokers generally inhale more for longer, depositing four times more tar in their lungs than a cigarette smoker.
• A common side-affect is anxiety, panic, paranoia and feelings of impending doom.
• Cannabis is beginning to be linked to be a trigger of schizophrenia, a long-term psychological disease of the mind that has symptoms of sever paranoia and violence.
• Although it kills cancer cells it also kills brain cells.
• Can harm short-term memory if smoked roughly twice a day for 25 to 30 years.
• Can make you lazy, aggressive apathetic and lethargic.
• There is no way to check the quality of the ingredients if bought illegally and can get you involved in the wrong crowd such as gangs and criminals.
• It can give men breasts.
• If smoked with tobacco it can promote a nicotine addiction.
• A common side-affect is anxiety, panic, paranoia and feelings of impending doom.
• Cannabis is beginning to be linked to be a trigger of schizophrenia, a long-term psychological disease of the mind that has symptoms of sever paranoia and violence.
• Although it kills cancer cells it also kills brain cells.
• Can harm short-term memory if smoked roughly twice a day for 25 to 30 years.
• Can make you lazy, aggressive apathetic and lethargic.
• There is no way to check the quality of the ingredients if bought illegally and can get you involved in the wrong crowd such as gangs and criminals.
• It can give men breasts.
• If smoked with tobacco it can promote a nicotine addiction.