
How Does The Cholesterol Increase?


2 Answers

Fatima bahreini Profile
Fatima bahreini answered
I am 27 years old woman. My cholesterol is 198, Hdl 40, Ldl 139, TG 50. My weight is 60 and my height is 160 cm. I do not eat much saturated fat so why my cholesterol is so high?
Will Martin Profile
Will Martin answered
Cholesterol is a substance found in most body tissues; it is carried through the blood attached to protein. The types which can cause health problems are low or very low density lipoprotein cholesterols, because these are mostly fat with little protein. These should be kept to a low level (160 milligrams per decilitre is high). Typical factors which may cause 'bad'cholesterol levels to rise are:
� diet ~ dairy products, red meat, biscuits and other snacks made with animal or certain vegetable fats
� age ~ cholesterol levels are highest in men aged 40-50, and in women after the menopause
� lifestyle ~ being overweight, taking too little exercise and smoking can all increase levels of problem cholesterol or make it harder for the body to produce 'good' (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol
� genes ~ in rare cases, a disease called lipid disorder may be passed on. Generally, there is some evidence that higher-than-average cholesterol levels can run in families.

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