There is no need to pop the head of the ant bite because that can lead to a serious infection. Try using the new Cortizone 10, it works very good; your ant bite should be gone in 2 days after you applied the Cortizone 10. If you keep having mild and serious pain then take some pain killer; I prefer ibuprofen or either tylelol. I had a very bad ant bite like two or three weeks ago; so I rubbed some Cortizone 10 in the affected area, then I took ibuprofen.... After 2 days went past my ant bite was gone!!!!!!
There is no need to pop the head of the ant bite because this can lead to to scar formation and also can cause infection. Keep applying hydrocortisone for few more days. For mild pain you can take any pain killer like mefenamic acid and anti allergy tablets and for your daughter paracetamol or ibuprofen syrup is sufficient along with anti allergy syrup.
I was bite 5 days ago by ants or spyder ...on my neck & my head I start to have hadeache from yesterday what I can take for the bites & the bad headache ?
Pop them - the swelling pressure is released and the itching subsides - besides, when you scratch them , they will pop anyways. Rubbing alcohol - once popped, goes right to the heart of the situation - and feels better. Scarring? I don't know if ive ever had ant bites on my face - so I have never considered it an pop a pimple don't you? And I said use alcohol - so it heals relatively quickly - my son had about 6 on one hand and 3 on the other hand - I popped them with my teeth - yummy - and 3 days later - - barely a scab.