The effects of people who abuse Percocet by snorting or chewing include many different symptoms. The majority of people who become addicted to Percocet will usually show signs of tiredness which will be likely to affect their daily activities. Also, due to the drug's narcotic elements, the individual who is taking Percocet will increasingly need more sleep and in very serious cases of addiction, the individual may slip into a coma.
The most worrying effect of abusing Percocet is the behavioural changes it causes. The majority of individuals who become highly addicted to the drug will be completely consumed with using it and getting their next fix. The abuse of this drug generates a huge sense of craving for the individual and all they will care about is getting more of the drug once their prescription runs out. In addition, it is not unusual for people to try and go to a number of different physicians to try and get extra prescription as well as visit the local emergency room for Percocet. This ultimately will affect the relationships they have with their friends and family because all other priorities go out the window.
One of the hardest periods is when an individual attempts to stop using Percocet. The withdrawal symptoms include vomiting, blurred vision and violent nausea which can all occur within the first two to four hours of discontinuing intake of the drug. It is very difficult for individuals to get past the withdrawal period if they have been highly addicted to Percocet, and in some cases people have even gone as far to break the law in order to get the medication. It is difficult to overcome, however there is a lot of medical help and guidance for people abusing Percocet.
In regards to the management of severe chronic pain, not to get "high," snorting is a good alternative when pain is unbearable. It is quick in its onset. Your choices are either stay at a low dose and snort half or a quarter of a pill or keep going up the pain med ladder until you are completely opiate tolerant. For the person who discussed "oxycotton" and "perks;" well, I don't even know where to start. I'm guessing a dictionary would be in order. I will say this, don't dole out advice regarding Suboxone. If someone is addicted to pain medication, Suboxone is a viable alternative. Note that it does not make you sick if you take narcotics. It is simply an opiate blocker. One other thing to remember regarding Suboxone is that it is highly addictive (just like Methadone). If you are committed to taking the drug for an indefinite period of time then it is probably the right choice.
Tell your friend how much it hurts you everytime that they do the drug, open up your heart. That is the only way to get through to a person who is addicted to anything. I know cause ive been an addict since ive been 14 and its been long years and over the years that is what I have found that gets me off a drug is when it hurts someone and they tell me about it.
Well Honestly its a great high, you generally feel happy when you are taking oxy rather than hydro . Yes it is highly addictive when you have an addictive personality. I snort Percs when I have them, I don't care when I don't, it doesnt kill me. Its about self control, discipline, and being strong willed when it comes to addiction. I did cocaine like four times, heavily, and never cared for it again. I don't recommend snorting the high dosage Tylenol ones, go for actual Oxy, otherwise brain damage is in your future. It doesnt hurt when you snort it, other than slight burning sensation that goes away after a while.
Also, you can't really say anything to their doctor, its a breach in confidentiality for them to even talk to you on it, and can get lawsuits. Your friend has to want to be helped, if they don't, then no matter what you do they will go back to it.
I have many friends who are addicted to snorting perks. They been snorting for years, and I can tell you the long term side effects are - nose bleeds, extreme dry throat, facial problems and weight loss. The drug consumes you,,
I have done percocet and I'm only 15, I started snorting 3 weeks ago, I'm not addicted but it does take the edge off of stress so thats why I use it. I personally think its very bad to do but I have so much stress and nobody to talk to so this is my alternative. Tell your loved one how you feel because if there addicted you can't stop them they have to want to for themselves. This drug makes you feel pretty great I'm not going to stop, I need it. I guess you can say I'm addicted but I did snort half and take half the other night and pass out in the shower not very good bu thats the only bad thing I have experienced while using this drug. This is all coming from a person who does this drug, do believe its true.
Well I do it. I need it or I can't function. What you need to do is help them slow down if they do 4 pills a day make it 3 than 2 than one over a period of a month. Than one time every 2 days works
You will feel high. The high will kick in sooner and be more intense, but will not last as long. I personally would not recommend snorting Percocet because of the high Tylenol content. Snort something purer like Oxycontin or Roxicet.
It gives you an amazing high so quick it makes me get along with everyone so much better and can make you have hours of great sex if you are old enough to get them and pay for them yourself then you are old enough to make your own decision with them people may ask about the affects of snorting them and you may try to scare them with telling them the bad affects of it but if they are curious and asking then they will do it regardless but I'm here to tell you there is a big difference in snorting and eating just try both and see what you like
Don't be a snitch dude what the heck. Let her live her own life asshole don't go snitch her out to her doctor just tell her she gets just as high from eating them than snorting them, and there you go no more damage to her nose and if she doesnt eat to many no damage to the liver. Win win for both of you