In a way you are but yet in a way you are not. I have a brain aneurysm on my artery to my right eye and it could not be removed just clamped. Yours has been bypassed from what it sounds like with a stint but not removed. For further info, it is rare but does happen, that once you have an aneurysm in or on the brain you are susceptible to get more. Always get yourself checked yearly or every other year. GL and God Bless.
I had brain surgery for an anerusym which was 8 to 9 mm. My was clasped by titanum clipping. Also since the surgery in 2002 I have had a headache everyday since range from 1 to 10 on a pain scale never leaving a 6 and sometimes goes off the chart. I also have memory problems. It was discoveded that during the slosing of this proceedure that an vessel was placed across an artery. And also a nerve to my rt eye was severed. No one has been able to give me relief from this horriful pain. They say another operation would not help. That I will have these head pains for the remainder of my life and I am only 47. Could you have a suggestion?