What Is A Normal Specific Gravity In A Urine Analysis?


4 Answers

Sana Profile
Sana answered
Urine analysis is also known as urinalysis. The specific gravity in a urinalysis is directly proportional to urine osmolality, that is, solute concentration. It can also be said to be the ability of the kidney to determine how concentrated the urine is in relation to plasma. Normal specific gravity is usually between 1.002 and 1.035 on a random sample. One factor that can cause it to become higher than the normal range is very high levels of glucose. Other causes of it deviating from the normal range include diabetes, mellitus, various forms of glomerulonephritis, and chronic urinary tract infections.
thanked the writer.
David Alcindor
David Alcindor commented
Specific gravity (SG) is mostly used to determine hydration status. The numbers provided lose accuracy if the urine's SG exceeds below 1.010 or above 1.025 - Most laboratory will report "normal" ranges between 1.010 and 1.030.
Anonymous commented
How much should this value vary within the day during waking hours? I've read that if the value stays at 1.010 in the morning and at night, this could indicate renal failure? If it's 1.010 when I wake up, I eat and drink lots of liquids throughout the day, will it go up or down, and by how much is normal?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Could the specific gravity reading be a little high as a result of taking the sample first thing in the morning after not drinking water during the night ?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1.002 to 1.035
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

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