
How Stressful Events Might Affect Physiological Health?


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Connor Sephton Profile
Connor Sephton answered
Stress can affect any individual in a number of different ways. Everybody is affected by stress differently but there are some physiological and psychological effects that are commonly found as symptoms. While they may be more difficult to detect than physical effects, they include; lack of concentration, irritability, nervousness, depression, moodiness, becoming withdrawn, argumentative, memory problems, over reactions and coping problems. Some individuals may show no signs of these symptoms; some may show one while others may show a combination of many. The best way for an individual to get a true idea about whether they have been suffering with these symptoms is to ask a friend who is likely to give an honest opinion about how they have been acting. 

Stress can also cause a person to have a number of physical symptoms. These are much easier to detect and if they have been experienced alongside physiological problems then this is typically is a way to diagnose stress. These physical symptoms may include some of the following; sleep problems, fatigue, hair loss, weight loss, more infections, headaches, diarrhea, reproductive problems, irregular heartbeat, sweaty palms, acne, cold hands and feet, chest pain and high blood pressure.

There are a number of ways that individuals undergoing stress can try and manage their symptoms. Taking the time out to relax and have a break, even if it is just for ten minutes, from work or tasks can help reduce stress building up throughout the day. Staying positive and always looking for an optimistic end to a problem can help maintain mental attitudes and stop individuals from feeling bogged down. Organisation and prioritizing time can reduce stress levels as well as trying not do dwell on bad news or delegate tasks or work to other people.

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