
What Is The Difference From Hyperechoic And Hypoechoic Endometrium?


1 Answers

Joseph Russell Profile
Joseph Russell answered
Hyperechoic and hypoechoic are both terms that doctors use to describe things that are seen on an ultrasound examination. Ultrasound waves are used to bounce off of internal organs and come back as echo waves. A hyperechoic ultrasound wave simply means that it is a brighter wave length and there is a greater possibility that a mass of some type is present in the uterus.

The endometrium is a lining for the uterus in females, it prevents adhesions between the opposed walls of the myometrium, helping to maintain it. During menstrual cycles, the endometruim grows to a thick and blood vessel rich tissue layer. During pregnancy the blood vessels and the glands in the endometrium will increase even further in size and number. There is fusion in the vascular spaces and they become interconnected forming a placenta which functions to supply oxygen and nutrition to an embryo and fetus. This is the normal process during pregnancy and it should be monitored at regular intervals by your family doctor.

If a woman has an ultrasound examination that is hyperechoic, this means the lining of the uterus is coming back with a distinctive shadow and it should be evaluated closely by a medical professional. All women should be thoroughly examined by a doctor through all stages of pregnancy to make sure that all is going well and the pregnancy is normal.

A hypoechoic endometrium examination is another reading of an ultrasound exam for women. Since endometrial cancer is one of the most common cancers in the genital tract, regular exams should be scheduled for any adult female on a regular basis. Consult with your family doctor on a regular basis and he can schedule an exam for you on a regular interval to make sure your health is the best it can be.

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