A tickling sensation in your lower teeth and front gums could be caused by a number of things. Part of the solution and the cause depends upon your age. If a child has the sensation it could mean they are about to lose a tooth. If you are an adult it could mean that you are about to get sick.
Many children and adults who have allergy problems experience these symptoms on a regular basis. In most people this is a sign that you have recently had a cold or allergy bout or you are about to get one within the next week or so. Having the coughs for a period of time can also trigger these symptoms. The feeling may even move into your lower jaw. If you are having a cold you'll experience these symptoms most often when you exhale, and the feelings can last for an extended period of time.
There is really nothing you can do about this situation other than wait it out. What a person is feeling in most cases here is the nerves in your teeth and gums reacting to something. Don't worry about it and try to ignore it and in most cases the sensation will be gone before you know it. In rare cases it can be a symptom of tooth problems, most likely a problem with a nerve, but in those cases the feeling will not subside and is accompanied by tenderness and pain in that area of the mouth.
In most all cases, having a tickling sensation in your bottom teeth and lower gums is nothing to worry about. It's just a sign that your nerves are alive and kicking. Try your best to ignore it and go about your business and it will be gone before you know it.
I've been having this problem for over a month. My Dentist said I've been clenching my teeth and so I'm using a mouth guard at night. I've also noticed the muscles in my nec, that go up to my chin, feel tense. It turns out there is a muscle in the neck called the Digastric. Knots/tension in this muscle sends pain to the four lower incisor teeth and the gums just below them. There may also be pain in the throat and tongue and difficulty swallowing because of the relationship to the hyoid bone. This is why stress and lack of sleep can make this feeling worse. Yoga and relaxation combined with a muscle relaxer from my doctor has really helped. Roll your head around in circles and streatch out the muscles in your neck. Then try and relax. Let yout your tension. Hope I've helped at least one person.
1. The pain coming from another tooth or sensations after extraction of a tooth
2. Another reason for the sensation is that even if you have healthy gums, teeth tend to move from time to time as you grow. So the teeth may be pressing against each other especially if there isn't enough space for them in the mouth, which with time you will notice some of the front teeth not being so straight. A dentist said that this was not because of bad gums as then the teeth would be lose or gums bleed, but because of the adjustment taking place. That's the reason some dentists recommend taking out some end tooths when one is still young to provide space in the mouth as the teeth grow and prevent teeth squeezing and becoming crooked. As the extraction is often recommended when one is still young, if you grow and don't have the problem of a packed mouth, the prior extraction may result in spaces in the front teeth developing in the future. But dentists can deal with this again through braces and re-alignment.
3. For grownups, after tooth extraction , if teeth were tightly packed, it's as if they have now got some breathing room due to the tooth that's been removed and so the adjustment taking place in the mouth may cause that tingling sensation.
I get this a lot - I think the key cause is when the nerves in the teeth are under pressure - it can be when teeth are moving, when you have pressure in the skull due to infection (e.g. Sinus) or when, like me, you grind your teeth at night (due to stress in my case). My dentist was sympathetic and prescribed a mouth guard to wear at night which got rid of the horrible sensation. Just had a tooth out though so haven't been able to wear it and guess what, its back and with a vengeance. I've had a lot of swelling so that may also have put pressure on the nerves. Can't wait for my mouth to heal so I can go back to the mouth guard.
The symptoms seem to follow the same guidelines of a cold sore. It is possible that if you are prone to cold sores, for them to sometimes develop inside of the mouth. I noted that when I get this sensation, it is during times of either sickness or stress, which also causes a cold sore outbreak. Also the signs of a coming cold sore is a tickling/tingling sensation. Just recently, the sensation was under the bottom k9 tooth, I rubbed the spot for the whole day and by the evening the tickling spread from one side to the other. So then I had the whole bottom row tickling/tingling. With agitation to a cold sore, it begins to spread.
Having the indications you defined in the absence of a expertise teeth signifies that some thing isn't right. Sounds like some thing may have lodged down behind the finest teeth between the back of the teeth and the gum like a popcorn kernel. It can be maximum acceptable to bypass see your dentist to have that looked at so as that if there is a few thing stuck in the gum, it may properly be bumped off. Noticeably a lot any inflammation in the gums may properly be managed with warm salt water rinses so antibiotics are to be prevented.Here are Toothache Home Remedies where you can got plenty of home remedies to get rid of toothache.
After a dental cleaning I too had a tickling sensation in my bottom teeth. I brushed twice a day with sensitive toothpaste and used antiseptic mouth rinse and it stopped, it has now been 2 days and no sensation.
Are your gums bleeding? If they are not it probably is not a type of gum disease. Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums usually when your gums bleed which usually happens when you brush them. This can happen when one does not brush their teeth right and irritates their gums or they don't brush their teeth long enough or often enough. If they do bleed if you keep brushing your teeth properly, flossing, and using mouthwash this can help the bleeding and it should eventually stop. For the tickling sensation I would ask your dentist I am not sure about that. Your dentist should be able to give the best advice on that and might need to see you. Maybe someone here can give you more helpful input. Take care and good luck. Maybe it has to do with something you are eating rather it being hot or cold or sweet.