What Is Soul?


5 Answers

Ashfaque Shah Profile
Ashfaque Shah answered
Soul  is  real  thing
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
First of all we should analyse the soul. The soul is made of pure awareness. The vibrations of pure awareness are called as feelings or qualities. Therefore all the characteristic qualities are associated with the soul and are made of pure awareness.    What is pure awareness? It is only a special form of inert energy. When we eat the food, it is oxidised by the oxygen received through the respiratory system. When the food is assimilated in the digestive system, it is oxidised by the Oxygen from the respiratory system, which is carried by the blood in dissolved state through Haemoglobin. The oxidation of food is exothermic reaction and liberates inert heat energy. This inert heat energy is converted into a special form of energy called awareness by the nervous system.    The electricity is produced by the generator and enters the tube light. The electrical energy is converted into light, which is another new form of energy. The heat energy produced by the interaction of digestive and respiratory system is called life energy (Pranamaya kosa). When this heat energy is converted into awareness by nervous system the awareness or mind is produced (Manomaya kosa). This awareness which is in the purest state is called as the soul (or Atman). This awareness is propagated in the form of pulses and these pulses as a bundle is called as Jeeva. The bundle of pulses of awareness is called as simply Jeeva from the point of pulses, is called as Atman from the point of awareness and is also called as Jeevatman from the point of both the pulses and awareness.    The constant propagation of pulses is called as mind (manas). The impressions of strong pulses are called as Chittam. The production of strong of pulses by the interaction of several weak pulses is called as intelligence or determination or Buddhi. The strong pulse that keeps the identity of the body is called as Ahamkara or ego. When you say the word Jeeva, it refers only to Manas, Chittam, Buddhi and Ahamkara (Antahkaranams). Therefore the soul and Jeeva together called as Jeevatma is only a special form of energy i.e., generated by the interaction of digestive, respiratory and nervous systems. Thus Jeeva representing the bundle of characteristics and Atman representing the special form of energy or Soul can be only the items of creation and not the creator. You are worried about the generation of Soul but there need not be any worry because Soul is an item of creation. In this creation there is conversion of matter into energy.    There is conversion of one type of matter into another type of matter through a chemical reaction as done by chemists. There is also conversion of one form of energy into another form of energy as done by physicists. There is conversion of matter into energy as done by technologists and engineers. Now if the Soul is generated, what is there to worry? This topic comes under the realm of creation and is within the boundaries of the creation. Gita says that the Soul is Paraprakruti. Prakruti means creation. Para means the finest part of creation. Therefore the transformation of Soul or division of Soul or generation of Soul is only topic of science and is not a topic of spirituality. Spirituality deals with creator who is beyond the creation. Veda says ‘Annat Purushah’, which means that the Soul is produced from the food. It is conversion of matter into Soul, which is energy.
Steven Vakula Profile
Steven Vakula answered
The Soul is energy. It is the power that makes the body work. A dead body has no soul. They can keep a dead body alive but they cannot make a dead body live! As such the energy that is required for life is the soul. It is the energy of the soul that brings about awareness so awareness is not possible without the energy of the soul. Just as light travels forever, light is also energy similar to the soul. Since the body dies the light/energy of our soul,leaves this host as light/energy and can only disappear or be extinguished  by the darkness. This would be similar to the Black Hole concept. This can absorb light and energy and is the only thing known to have such capabilities. Therefore God is the light, he breathed the energy into man that gave man live to his soul. It was this breath of God's life's energy that gave man awareness. Awareness did not create the energy of the soul.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
First of all we should analyse the soul. The soul is made of pure
awareness. The vibrations of pure awareness are called as feelings or
qualities. Therefore all the characteristic qualities are associated
with the soul and are made of pure awareness.

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