What's The Trip Of A Blue Transformer Ecstasy Pill?


2 Answers

James Parnell Profile
James Parnell answered
The Blue Transformer ecstasy pill produces a nice smooth high, and trance-like feelings. Typical MDMA effects are also present, such as empathy, intimacy with others and decreased apprehension.

On the bad side, the Blue Transformer pill takes way too long to come up and the come-down is long, drawn-out and unpleasant. I had a grinding headache all day.

Blue Transformer ecstasy capsule
The most common effects of MDMA (of which most were present with the Blue Transformer) are:

  • A different, more subjective outlook on life.
  • Feelings of inner peace.
  • Reduced feelings of aggression and jealously.
  • Little anxiety and diminished feelings of fear and insecurity.
  • Mood lifts.
  • Empathetic feelings towards others.
  • Hightened self-confidence.
  • Increased: Energy, endurance, alertness, awareness, wakefulness, desire, drive and motivation.
  • Some psychedelic effects.
All in all, the high was pretty good, but the Blue Transformer pill took too long to come up and the come-down was really difficult. I felt like a zombie for the whole of the next day!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You won't know until you take it. All tabs are different and it doesn't make a difference what kind they are. You could take a Blue Transformer one time and it could be cocaine-based, and take another one months later and have it be opium-based. It all depends on the pill.

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