How do I get a cold overnight? Yes I know I should stay healthy and be glad that I am and also I'm not trying to get out of school, please answer!


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Why anyone would want a cold is beyond me.  Summer is not the normal cold time.  However, to improve your chances of getting a cold, spend time around people who have colds.  Do not wash your hands often.  Do everything opposite of what people do to avoid getting colds.

*Personally, if I were you, I would simply fake having a cold.

Lynn Blakeman Profile
Lynn Blakeman answered

Okay, a strange thing to want to do but who am I to judge? There are several things you can do to catch a cold quickly, such as:

  • Visit a doctor's surgery - This time of year there are bound to be lots of people there with germs, sit next to the guy who is sneezing and coughing. Now strike up a conversation and he will probably sneeze and cough in your direction.
  • Visit public places - Germs lurk everywhere so go out in public, and touch everything! Supermarket trolleys are great for this. Don't wash your hands and make sure to touch your nose and mouth a lot.
  • Go out in the cold - When your nose gets cold, you are apparently less resistant to infection. Therefore, make sure to get your nose as cold as possible.
  • The science part - Try going outside barefoot (be careful what you tread on though!). According to scientists when your feet get cold the blood vessels in your nose contract. You are then less likely to be able to fight off cold and flu germs.
  • Stress it - When you are stressed, nervous and anxious your body becomes less resistant to germs and infection.

I'd wish you luck, but I don't know how appropriate that is!

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