There are several advantages and disadvantages of cleanliness, although I think most people would agree that there are more positive things that come from being clean than there are negative.
Positives of cleanliness
Kills germs- Some germs can make you very ill, especially if they have been around for a while. So it is very important that you keep yourself and your house clean as a health benefit. It can also prevent allergies, by removing dust from surfaces.
Mental health- Cleaning something can leave you with a sense of satisfaction that has actually been proven to boost mental health. If your house is dirty, people inside it will feel anxious and stressed, including you!
Social factor- If you are unwashed then this can be off-putting to people. It is socially expected for people to be clean when out in public. You may struggle to make friends if you don't take care of your personal hygiene.
Negatives of cleanliness
Affects immune system- Studies have shown that if you are over clean then this can negatively affect your immune system. Over cleaning will not allow your immune system to build up strength against bacteria, so it won't be used to any unknown germs it comes into contact with.
Allergies - Some soaps and cleaning products contain chemicals that can cause irritation to the skin, or trigger allergies in certain people.