Why is America getting fat? I visit relatives last weekend and they were HUGE! Went to buy groceries and people were HUGE! Jiggly huge. Something about genetics or conditions, but I doubt it considering the amount of food we ate considered "normal".


5 Answers

Bubblicious Bubblicious Profile

Junk food is cheap and convenient.

Portions are gigantic, enough for three meals.

Parents aren't educated, some think " The apple juice and "fruit "snacks are nutritious and something other the pure SUGAR.

Sugar, salt, fat, and lots of it equal large people.

Cookie Roma Profile
Cookie Roma answered

For 14 years I lived in "the country" in western Kentucky.  There are many people who are farmers out there.  Thing is they all still function (in terms of eating) like they did before mechanization.  Meaning, they get up before dawn, do chores, then eat a huge breakfast (eggs, potatoes, biscuits and country gravy, etc). Then back to work till lunch, which was a big (usually meat and potatoes) full meal.  Then back to work till dinner, again another big meal. This worked back in the day when all farming was done through physical work. Now so much is done through machines   

Moga Deet Profile
Moga Deet answered

I feel very sad when I see young people who are huge.  It is so hard to lose weight and they will likely experience health consequences from it.

The problem is worse in different parts of the country.  I live in Massachusetts and New York City.  People are much heavier in the Midwest.  It's a problem with education about food choices, people driving everywhere instead of walking (in NYC most people don't have cars and walk a lot). 

There's also a certain amount of pure contrariness in some people - "don't tell me what to eat, I'm going to eat a 3,000 calorie cheeseburger if I feel like it mentality".  There are restaurants (not in New England!) where they have these popular high calorie menus.  In Iowa, people go to fairs and eat fried butter!  It's crazy, dangerous and also unbelievably childish.  It's funny until you develop diabetes and end up with a foot being amputated.  Some of it is just stupidity. 

Firstname Refreshme lastname Profile

Portions are huge. Everything is remote control this and that. Physical Ed in schools are not as high priority as it used to be. Outdoor exercise is becoming a thing of the past with high crime rates. And don't get me started about cell phones and personal computer use<---- not many calories burnt with their use.

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