Probably make you sick and hurt your stomach pretty bad. Not a good idea to drink on an empty stomach.
I was wondering, If you are 96 pounds haven't eaten in a couple of days due to emotional break downs, and have never drank any alcohol before - will one shot of vodka have any effect?
You are tiny, combine that with stress and not eating for a few days, most likely dizziness and vomiting. Not advisable. Go out clubbing with your friends, dance, have fun, after you eat something, drink OJ, cranberry juice or water.
Even when you're upset and emotional, your body needs nourishment to keep going, even if it's crackers and milk, a grilled cheese sandwich, or soup. In the future when you find yourself in this position again, you need to find something you can eat that doesn't upset your stomach and will keep your body nourished as you work through what's bothering you.
If this were me, I wouldn't be drinking any kind of alcohol on an empty stomach because I wouldn't want the side effects. You must decide for yourself on this. Good luck.
I am not a doctor, talking from experience and watching others.
If you are asking if it will get you drunk or push you past the legal limit for driving the answer is almost assuredly no.
If you are asking if there maybe harmful effects, that depends on your general health as well how upset you have been. When high anxiety, stress, anger, or fear the body releases a lot of hormones to help you deal with the situation in a PHYSICAL way (run or fight). If you do neither they start damaging your body and make you more susceptible to other problems. These hormones are when combined with high acid production in the stomach can cause physical damage. Not eating increases the chances. Adding alcohol increases the chances more.
You are basically asking for a lot of pain and spending a lot of time prostrated before the porcelain god vomiting.
Eat something. Call friends. Maybe call your friends and go out to eat, a movie, and time in the park where you talk. The reason there are so many shrinks today is people are afraid to talk over problems with their friends (fear of judgement??). A good friend will listen and not judge. They will not tell you what to do, but at most ask questions so you can decide what you, in your heart, want to do.
My guess is you will probably just throw it back up. That much stress and no food, your stomach is already in bad shape. Add alcohol to that, and it will probably just come right back up.
Take a few deep breaths and fix yourself some soup instead. Starving yourself isn't going to make any situation better.