Should cannabis be openly taught about in schools?


4 Answers

Taylor Brookes Profile
Taylor Brookes answered

I originally saw this question and thought "but all drugs and alcohol are talked about from age 11 up" however I just read your comment on the other answer and see that I might have misunderstood the question.

Should it be talked about in a non-biased way?

No. Too many people do drugs already, this would be another way to either encourage people (and we're talking about kids here) to start taking it or it would make it seems like less of a big deal, meaning that people could be more likely to do iit, which I think is bad.

Gena Lorainne Profile
Gena Lorainne answered

Of course no! If it were openly taught in school many many people would be unable to deny its positive properties and therefore the oil magnates won't be able to manipulate the masses to buy cigarettes and alcohol which kill approximately 4 million people annually but bring sick incomes. Which by the way is not the only reason they are afraid of it, but let's say that you can literally make higher quality paper that doesn't go yellow with it, or you can make super durable clothes with it, fuel, even build houses out of it(that do not burn by the way).

So no, too many businesses would lose from this :)

Cookie Roma Profile
Cookie Roma answered

Since our public schools cover things like science, math, history, and grammar on such an exemplary way, why not!?!?

Samuel North Profile
Samuel North answered

I am afraid there is still no certain opinion about cannabis and it's impact on human's health. There are still many contradictions around marijuana, which has both "friends" and "enemies". I personally trust this source when it comes to cannabis oil , I am sure it is very effective.

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