Here are 10 ways that I read that I hope would be of help to you:
(1) Be truly motivated. Have good solid reasons for wanting to quit—self-esteem; concern for your health, present and future; concern for loved ones affected by your dangerous habit.
(2) Set a date to quit, and follow it. Go cold turkey; it hurts fast, but it heals fast.
(3) Take positive action to break the habit. Break up any cigarettes in the house, and pour water over them. Get all your tobacco-smelling clothing cleaned. Start afresh, feel fresh!
(4) Avoid tobacco-laden atmosphere and smoking friends while completing total withdrawal from nicotine.
(5) Save the money you would have spent on tobacco and count it after a month! Buy something you really need. Or buy a gift for a loved one who can also rejoice in your victory.
(6) Keep yourself and your hands busy in those moments when you would normally reach for a cigarette. Chew gum (not nicotine gum) or suck mints when the desire to smoke gnaws at you. Instead of smoking, clean teeth after meals. Take a walk, write letters, sew, garden, repair things, clean the car, and so on.
(7) When feeling nervous or under stress, breathe deeply and slowly. Rather than reach for a cigarette, drink plenty of water and fruit juices. Liquids cleanse.
(8) Exercise within your physical limits. Check with your doctor first as to what is reasonable. Your improving physical condition will encourage you.
(9) If you drink alcohol: Cut down on alcohol intake. Alcohol and cigarettes often “go together,” since alcohol can trigger the desire to smoke. Cut the social occasions when this might happen. View tobacco ads critically—analyze their superficiality and duplicity. Don’t be taken in again.
(10) If you are a religious person: Pray earnestly to God for help and then act accordance with your prayers. The time that you really need God’s help is the moment that you are reaching for a smoke, is it not? That is the time you should pray to God to strengthen you.