Abnormality is in the eye of the beholder. Do what you like to do and have fun, as long as it's legal.
Umm....what KIND of toys? Just wonderin'
I hope not. I am in m 50s and I still play with toys. I will admit that most of the time it is just to mess with my dogs. But hey, it' still fun!
Here's the thing: Well three things really.
1. As long as what you are doing isn't violent, dangerous, illegal, destructive, or immoral, it's just fine. I would add thoughtless to the list
2. For what your doing to be socially acceptable, market your toys to friends and relatives as your collections. Don't play with them unless you are alone. The kicker here is that as long as you are responsible elsewhere in your life, your toy collections should be acceptable.
3. If you are 35 and living in your mom's basement and have never had a job and dont expect ever to work, you will become a nutter in the eyes of other people.
Of course not.
The old saying is that the person who has the most toys when he dies is the winner.
Is it abnormal? Possibly. Most guys our age (I'm almost 24) are trying to find a good paying job so we can get a house and a car. However, there's nothing wrong with playing with them here and there. Some people are children at heart and want to make their own adventures with their favorite TV shows.
What kind of toys? Yes it's is abnormal if you play with kids toys.
I was still playing with Lego and building model planes until I was sixteen or seventeen and then I switched pretty much overnight into going to the pub every night, drinking copiously and trying to gain the attention of girls. That phase took a while to pass but, when I genuinely started to grow up, my interest in Lego and model planes resumed