
I just got fired from my job because of my brain disorder known as** Dyscalculia**, I don’t think I’ll ever get another job because of this. It started yesterday when I was put on register duty at Burger King. This would be my first time on register, with confidence I thought to myself that I could do this since the register tells you how much something cost and how much change you’d give back to the customer how bad can it be? Well on my third customer my brain literally locked up on me as if I never even counted to ten. I began to panic and pretend the register malfunctioned so that I wouldn’t look like a complete fool, as I make time to count the change displayed on the screen a co-worker came by and asked what the problem was with the register I replied “ I got it now thanks “ at this point I’m angry at myself and panicking. I am literally at the register trembling the change around in my hand like WTF not only was this EXTREMELY EMBARRASSING!!! But me thinking that I will lose my job today will ruin everything because of this disorder. My boss called me over and after I explained he let me go. How the hell am I supposed to succeed in make my goals in life if I can't even count change at a decent paste? How the hell am I going to go to college or get into the air force if I struggle in arithmetic reasoning? Before anyone answers my question please google Dyscalculia so that you will have a better understanding on where I am coming from.

