Lie there and curse the darkness. (Not)
I listen to my old-time radio show tapes and cd's. That way I can leave the light off and keep my eyes closed .... And maybe drift off.
I write
Warm milk and I read paper books. No electronic reading , I find that too simulating.
I go on a run. Get some fresh air, or do that homework you have to do. Try and keep of screens though.
If it's a weekday where I have things to do the next day. I take a couple extra melatonin and lay quietly and eventually my thoughts carry me off to dream land. If it's the weekend I watch tv or drink a few beers, or just forget trying to go to sleep altogether and get a early start on the next day!
Take matters into my own hands. ;)
Hello Daniel! With the emergence of next-gen mobile devices, many have developed new habits, and among these are the use of social networks and playing games. I do both when I can’t sleep, but my favourite pastime is a platformer! When I cannot play anymore, I will then spend some time on Facebook or Twitter. I read random articles, comments and other bits; I will start feeling tired within an hour or so. Do note that it is very important to sleep for a minimum of eight hours a day. Here are some tips to overcome insomnia: Hope this helps and all the best!
Drink warm milk, find something on tv that that has little noise and i can just listen to and not have to watch. Usually something educational like the history channel. I set the sleep timer and then lay there with my eyes closed while listening.
Practice slow breathing. Deep inhalation followed by deep exhalation . . . Trying to let you head feel heavier and heavier against the pillow . . . Usually works for me.