Its ok!!!! If its what I have, its just pimples!!!!! Relax, go to your doc nd ask!!!!
Hi. It's probably an allergy or reaction to something you wore or ate. For example, I used shaving cream on my neck, a week later, I got these tiny red spots all over, I stopped using a cream, and washed the area, with warm water and a cloth- and now it's cleared up....
If the reason's other than that, see your doctor or a skin specialist. (under the NHS should be free, but for a more personal, detailed and accurate diagnostic, you would be expected to pay a private specialist around £20-£100....
Hope this helps,
If the reason's other than that, see your doctor or a skin specialist. (under the NHS should be free, but for a more personal, detailed and accurate diagnostic, you would be expected to pay a private specialist around £20-£100....
Hope this helps,
Black spot on my neck what could it be from? Co-workers think a problem with my thyroid. Have had extreme weight loss then gained half back without change in activity or diet.