
What Can You Use To Clean Meth Out Of Your Urine?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Drink some vinegar. It lowers the ph of your urine, acid urine excretes meth 3 times faster. (do more research on this.)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
So I've heard. That as well as aspirin (X4) 1 hour before testing. Loads of water, vitamin B 12.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Does baking soda  help pass urine test of meth and how much do I use
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hey there,
main thing you want to this is basically drink 2gallons of cranberry juice... It works but not 100% guaranteed.
Theres 1 more option.. Just get one of your friends 2 pee in one of the tubes they give you. You can buy them at chemist stores and just swap it when your about to take your test =) ( make sure that he/she doesnt do drugs or anything related to that). Hope this helps
( I am not a drug user I read up a lot about it )

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