I have recently gotten Poison Oak on my lips and was unsure how it even got there. Though after my father coming to the rescue we did just a few things and it definitely helped. If you take (a bunch of paper towels, those work very well!) a paper towel with 50% Isopropyl Alcohol, dab it on the places where you have it. Now it will burn and the smell is pretty bad so try to just do a little at a time. Just make sure not to use the same spot on the paper towel. It's all about making sure the oils don't spread and that it gets dried out. After the Alcohol, then we used Calamine lotion to help keep from itching which really relieved it. The poison oak on my lips seemed to go away faster then if I had been doing anything else. Wash your hands all the time, especially if you accidentally touch your face. You can also take a hot shower, but then turn it to cold also. It helps open up and get out the oils and then cold water will help heal that spot. Hope this helps!