There are four macro communication skills within any language, not just the English language. Effective communication requires a combination of any or all of the four skills.
Definition - to give attention with the ear. Listening to what someone has to say enables us to understand, interpret and evaluate what we hear. The ability … Read more
In the laboratory a mortar and pestle is predominantly used to crush and blend substances together. This could be helpful when conducting chemical tests and experiments.
The mortar and pestle function is also used in pharmaceutical laboratories in order to grind medical substances into smaller, powdery batches that are easier to consume. This reduces the … Read more
National Service is another name for a period of compulsory service or conscription to one of the armed forces of a government. Citizens of a country, typically males, between the ages of 18 and their late 20’s are drafted for military service, usually for a period of no less than one year. A national service … Read more
This is a really great question, but I'm afraid it doesn't have a precise answer.
There are a million-and-one diets out there, and there isn't a specific one that works for everyone.
Finding the right diet for you is the key to getting in shape - so I'd recommend trying the ones that sound most … Read more

The quick and simple answer to this question would be to calculate how much your total expenses amount to for the month are and divide it by the total number of individual expenses you have, giving you the average value of each expense over the whole month. Excel will … Read more
Technically, there are no countries or capitals of Antarctica as it is considered to be a politically-neutral territory, however, a number of countries have claimed sovereignty in some regions, although the validity of these claims is not generally recognised by the international community.
The countries who have made territorial claims are:
1908 - UK - … Read more
A typewriter is a machine that enables alphabetical and numerical characters to be printed, one by one onto a medium, usually paper.
There many early innovations of the typewriter, across Europe and America, perhaps the earliest was in 1714 by Henry Mill who filed a patent in Britain for a machine that “impressed or transcribed … Read more