Accounts Receivable is money owed to a business by its clients or customers. It's often shown on the Balance Sheet as an asset because it represents a legal obligation for the customer to pay their debt. Accounts Receivable represents money owed to the firm for the sale of products or services on credit - it … Read more
To find out the exact fare for a journey from New York to Detroit on a Greyhound bus, you should go to and enter the dates of your planned trip, as fares may vary depending on the time and date.
How can you get deals and discounts?
- Book online to get … Read more
Here is a list of 11 foreign (non-English) biologists who made major contributions in the history of science.
1. Aristotle (Greek; 384-322 B.C.) He was a philosopher and scientist. He created a framework of knowledge that served as the foundation for much of the science and philosophy of ancient and medieval times, and therefore for … Read more
Learning styles are the different ways different people learn. Some people learn through seeing, some through hearing and others by feeling. It is important to recognize which is your learning style because you can then develop ways of using it in your studies to make learning easier. Sometimes things may have seemed hard to learn … Read more
To join Orkut, you must first visit The process will be simpler if you already have a Google account. If you do have a Google account, all you will need to do is follow these steps:
- Enter your Google account email address
- Enter your Google account password
- Click the 'Sign In' button
- Enter your … Read more
Because all music and score sheets are copyrighted by the artist and their record company, it can be very difficult to get your hands on a score sheet for free. There are several options that you can try however, but you will usually have to pay a small fee.
There are websites on the Internet … Read more
The cost of cigarettes in Spain tend to vary greatly depending on which brand you buy, but from what I can gather on the Internet, the prices have just recently increased. Ten packets of 50 grams Golden Virginia's have gone up to 48.50 Euros and 200 Lambert and Butler's have gone up to 32.50 Euros … Read more
Unfortunately there is not much that you can do for your dog, unless you happen to own an animal clinic. The best thing that you can do for your dog is to take it straight to your veterinarian or make an appointment as soon as you can.
It is essential that you do not give … Read more
Realistically, there is no set time that anyone will be able to give you because there are numerous different factors involved that could all have an impact on how long it'd take you to drive 1,000 miles.
There could be terrible traffic that delays you for hours. You won't be driving at a single speed … Read more
It is not considered to be too challenging to install three phase power into your home but first of all you have to make sure that three phase power is actually supplied to your house. If it is not, then you have to a new three phase power service panel and then a three phase … Read more
To feed minnows the kind of food they'd eat in the wild then you need to give them food like small bugs (like flies and mosquitoes), as well as pieces of dead plants and even animal matter. This is the kind of things that minnows eat in the wild and this is what they thrive … Read more
The hibiscus plant will only grow as large as you want it to, with you being able to control it through cutting it during the year. Hibiscus plants are tropical plants that need warmth and sunshine to survive. You need to place your outdoor hibiscus plant in a part of your garden that gets plenty … Read more
You need to start by purchasing a Sawyer tick plier. This kind of plier will do the best job of taking out a tick, and is much better than using a pair of tweezers. So first of all, source one of these pliers and you'll be able to get rid of the tick. The second … Read more
HowToImpressABoy.Net is a site created for just this purpose. Flirtatious looks towards a boy, without being outré or overtly obvious about your intentions, can draw a boy in like a spider draws its prey. Opening doors for him and letting him pass in a street or corridor, or standing next to him in the lunch … Read more
There are many things you could say that are good about the US health care system, but ultimately it comes down to personal opinion and politics. So for one, the United States actually has one of the best medical research systems in the whole world. Researchers from famous institutions like Harvard Medical School, the Cleveland … Read more
Physical barriers for communication can be simple things like other conversations around you , time limits and even noise from traffic outside. There are many physical barriers for all kinds of communication within a business, whether that's text, oral, or over the telephone, Businesses will do everything they can to ensure that their employees and … Read more
Given that there are so many different models of this van then you can't be exactly sure what tyre pressure you require for the van. Optimum pressure will vary between the different models of van, so you'll first want to find out what vehicle model you currently own.
Many people use petrol stations to find … Read more
Start by writing out your full birth date on a scrap of paper. This means that you need to write out the day you were born, the month, and of course the full year in which you were born. You then need to translate this information so that it appears in numbers. Obviously the day … Read more has photographs of all sorts of caterpillar to view, numbering 173 in its catalogue, and listing each by name and by color and defining characteristic. has extensive information on the creature that will one day spread its wings and fly like a butterfly; … Read more