
I've Been Having Cramps After My Period What Does That Mean?


7 Answers

Monica Stott Profile
Monica Stott answered
  • What does it mean if you have cramps after your period?

It is slightly unusual to have cramps after your period rather than before so you are right to query them. It is unlikely to be anything serious and if they persist for a few days and cause you a lot of discomfort, it is best to speak to your doctor who can not only establish if there is a medical problem, but can also treat you if there is and reassure you if they believe it is nothing to worry about.

Although it is unusual to have cramps after your period, it is not unheard of. It is particularly common for women who have irregular periods and it can take years for periods to become regular, while some women may never have regular periods.
  • What are period cramps?

Period cramps will usually occur a few days before your period is due and cause an aching pain in the lower belly. Some women will not have any cramps whatsoever or can feel a slight heaviness but other women will have severe cramps that can stop them carrying out their everyday lives.

Menstrual cramps occur when the lining of the uterus is shed in preparation for pregnancy. It occurs after ovulation if the egg has not been fertilized and the lining breaks down. The muscles in the uterus will contract as the lining is shed and literally squeezes the old lining out through the cervix and this is the reason for menstrual cramps.

  • What can I do to ease the pain of menstrual cramps?

There are many types of medications that you can take now that can help your menstrual cramps and for more natural remedies you could try placing a hot water bottle over your lower stomach. The warmth from the hot water bottle is soothing and comforting and can help with the pain.

Exercise is also found to be a great cure for period pains and the release of endorphins will also help boost your mood and make you feel better. It can be difficult to motivate yourself to do exercise when you are experiencing cramps but once you have begun you will feel better for it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You could have cysts on your overies   that are causing the discomfort I would schedule an appointment with your gynecologist.
Suhail Ajmal Profile
Suhail Ajmal answered
You sometimes feel cramps after periods because of weakness. It doesn't mean anything serious. However, you should see your doctor for advice if pain persists.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If the cramps keep on coming then consult your OB/GYN. But it should mean nothing bad.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Feb 1   2   3 I had cramps but I had my period all ready 11 days before that and it lasted about 3 hafe days maybe 4 . Then I had cramping like I was going to get on my period again 11 days after. Can someone help me
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I've been having cramps before my period

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