How Can I Preserve Lavender?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Lavender can be harvested when the lower flowers have opened and the blossoms have turned purple. The sun will tend to cause the flowers to wilt, so for the freshest specimen, it's best to cut the lavender in the morning.

In drying the lavender, the main thing to remember is ventilation. The lower stems can be fastened together with string or a rubber band and hung upside down in a dry room. Alternatively, the stems can be placed on screens so that air flows around them. Keeping the stems in a dark room as they dry will help to preserve the flowers' purple colour.

There are many uses for dried lavender. It can be broken and used to fill muslin sachets for placing in dresser drawers. The flowers look lovely interwoven in wreaths. Simply stored in bowls as potpourri or hung around the house, lavender is welcoming with its delicate, soothing scent.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You could give it plenty of water, as it is also essential for the process of photosynthesis, to make food during the day. You must keep the plant at a warm and moist place, all these conditions would make the lavender plants grow tall and healthy, but if you want to harvest them and make them propagate, you should try stem-cutting on them early in the morning after the dew has dried out.
Daisy Ellis Profile
Daisy Ellis answered

Here are a way suggested by wikihow:

  1. Harvest the lavender before it's fully in bloom.
  2. Cut matured lavender flowers just above the leaves.
  3. Gather the lavender into a bunch.
  4. Tie the stems with a rubber band. ...
  5. Find a dark place to dry the lavender.
  6. Hang the lavender bunch upside down
P/s: This type of essential oil has various applications in the medicinal world. See more at: Lavender

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