What Is The Perfect Measurements And Weight For Models?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am a runway model and they like you to look tall, elegant, and thin but not to this, am 5'8ft and weigh 48kg and I model on the runway.
Maxine Chan Profile
Maxine Chan answered
Well you have to have a pencil shape to your body that goes straight down meaning you have to be well porportioned but as for commercials and photos, the requirments are different.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are different types of models. Runway models are expected to be tall and thin. (Think human hangers) Commercial modeling doesn't have such strict requirements.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Don't judge these girls. YOU are the reason they're "hangers". Most of them do drugs and smoke to get that shape, so give 'em some dignitiy! Help them to stop those disgusting cigarettes and drugs.

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