
Does A 8 Week Fetus Heart Beat?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I just had my first us at 8 weeks. We found a heart beat at 153 beats per minute + an intact gestation sac and a yolk sac.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes, you can easily see the fetal heart beat by an ultrasound at 8 weeks. It can be seen even earlier, especially if you are doing a vaginal ultrasound. I saw my 6 wk 2 d fetal heartbeat by a vaginal ultrasound.
Dipa Suresh Profile
Dipa Suresh answered
The average and normal heart rate for an eight week foetus is about 160 bpm. Sometimes, during an ultrasound scan, it may become possible for the physician to identify with clarity the atrial and ventricular walls moving in a reciprocal manner at this time. The foetus you are carrying is approximately three quarters of an inch long, and her brain, her spinal column, her kidneys, her liver and her stomach have started to take shape and take on a real shape. As far as the heart of the foetus is concerned, she has already developed her aortic and her pulmonary valves, and these have divided into the right and the left chambers, and beating at a steady rate of 160 beats per minute, at almost twice the rate of an adult human.

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