
How To Make Ecstasy Last Longer?


12 Answers

Kayleigh Pedersen Profile
Nothing will help it last longer, since the effects only last a bout 8 hours or so... But to bring the effects out more after you've taken the drug, vitamin C should be consumed whether it be orange juice or even a vitamin. Make sure you stay hydrated though!!!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Orange juice helps sometimes...
Smoking cigarettes really works
and also using Vick's nasal spray
or if you only have the VapoRub then rub some on the outside of your nostrils and a bit under your eyes...that really enhances it
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
music like house, and techno.
Carbonated drinks without alcohol
water kills it but you need to keep hydrated
me personally weed and chewing on gum or my binky helps a lot!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Orange juice and a good setting.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Orange juice does do the trick.
Any form of Vitamin C will prolong your high.
Never think about not coming down from a roll, that WILL kill it
Krystal DeLaRosa Profile
Drinking water or O.J. Also being hot & sweaty.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The only thing I can think of is being in the right atmosphere... Or just take more :P
Heather  Czompoly Profile
Ah, I want to try it so badly.
I've heard so many good thing about it,
and literally not one bad thing ever.
I'm buying some this weekend,
and I'll let you know how it is.(:
thanked the writer. HarmReduction
Careful cuz there is one bad thing and that is that you dont know what the pill is cut with. I have a friend that died because his pill was cut with rat poison. Its a hell of a drug but there are some risks.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Vicks nasal spray. And a light show. Alsoooooo move around, spin, get someone to pull on your hair and back massages really help.

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