
What Does Ecstasy Do To Your Body?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I've rolled twice now, about two months apart. I think the problem with information out there is that people are not distinguishing between occasional users and addicts/ dependent users.  I have done a lot of research on E to see how it affects the body and brain, and the truth is that there isn't much consistent data out there. All I would say is that it is important to do E safely. First of all, a lot of the pills that people take are not pure MDMA. In fact, most aren't. So my first piece of advice would be to research or test the pills you plan to take in advance. Look at or Avoid pills set in meth, DXM, and other drugs. The only thing I'd settle for would be caffeine, as it is not as harmful as the others. Second, don't mix different types of pills or even different colors. You can put yourself in danger by mixing different substances. The first time I rolled, I ended up taking three different types of e. One was pure, one ended up being set in meth, and the other wasn't even MDMA (it was a type of hallucinogen that left me passed out for over an hour, having conversations w/ people who were not there).  Third, don't drink alcohol when you roll. This increases your risk for dehydration immensely (I know from experience). Fourth, monitor your water intake (you can get dehydrated from not drinking enough and moving about too much, but you can suffer from water intoxication if you drink water endlessly. Drink bottles of water, so you can monitor how much you take in). Also, take breaks from dancing and such to avoid overheating. (wear layers so you can cool off, warm up as needed). Fifth, be with people you trust and in an environment you do not feel unsafe in. Also, give yourself a couple of days to recover afterwards. You will probably want to roll again at first (withdrawal), but it will go away after a week or so. After my first roll (even though a lot went wrong), all I could think about was E- alcohol and weed sounded boring and I couldn't concentrate. I was back to normal in less than 10 days though. After my second roll, I was tired for a couple of days, but totally fine overall.
Honestly, everyone I know who's done it safely says it's the best experience they've had. I agree. It changes the way you look at life (for the better); it makes you appreciate beauty in simple things and feel close to those you roll with (and even people you don't know). You gain a sense of understanding and sympathy that never existed before.  Rolling is amazing and, when done safely, not nearly as harmful as many other drugs. With that said, be careful and limit usage to every once and a while. It's when it becomes a habit that it's dangerous. I only roll/ plan to roll when there are really good raves with great music. That also gives me something to look forward to, and I know every roll will be worth a couple of days of rest.
Best of luck!
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
This is the best comment here! Tabs used to be used at sessions for marriage counseling before it became illegal. You should really do it far apart, like if you like it the first time you do it, wait another few months before doing it again.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Releases dopamine and seritonin in the brain

Ddo NOT put holes in your brian! It just kills some on a brian scan it looks like holes but its really just unactive cells

and it eats away muscle

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