The penis obviously has different stages of arousal and therefore changes length. The average length of each stage and how you can measure your penis can be found below.
The Erectus Lengthus: The maximum length of the penis achieved through the state of arousal and excitement. The average size measured from the base of the shaft to the tip is 5.8 inches.
The Maximus Girthus: While still in an erect state, wrap a tape measure around the base of the penis. The average is 5 inches around or 1.6 inches in diameter.
The Erectus Angle: While still in an erect state, stand with your back leaning against a wall and estimate your angle. A 180-degree angle points directly up at your chin; a 90-degree angle would point directly in front of you; and a zero degree angle would point directly down out your feet. The average angle is 106.8 degrees.
The Flacidus Lengthus: Measure immediately after undressing, you don't want cold or warm air from the room to distort your measurement, as shrinkage or expansion may occur. The average length is 3.43 inches.
Many women report that too many men are hung up on the size of their penises. The vagina is only about five inches long, and even a small penis can touch every square centimeter within the vagina. The secret to pleasing and impressing a woman sexually has nothing to do with penis size. Instead, concentrate on the movements, and rhythms of your thrusts. Most women will agree that penis size is not enough to please them.
According to the Kinsey Institute, the biggest erect penis on record measures 13 inches. The smallest tops off at 1 and 3/4 inches.
The Erectus Lengthus: The maximum length of the penis achieved through the state of arousal and excitement. The average size measured from the base of the shaft to the tip is 5.8 inches.
The Maximus Girthus: While still in an erect state, wrap a tape measure around the base of the penis. The average is 5 inches around or 1.6 inches in diameter.
The Erectus Angle: While still in an erect state, stand with your back leaning against a wall and estimate your angle. A 180-degree angle points directly up at your chin; a 90-degree angle would point directly in front of you; and a zero degree angle would point directly down out your feet. The average angle is 106.8 degrees.
The Flacidus Lengthus: Measure immediately after undressing, you don't want cold or warm air from the room to distort your measurement, as shrinkage or expansion may occur. The average length is 3.43 inches.
Many women report that too many men are hung up on the size of their penises. The vagina is only about five inches long, and even a small penis can touch every square centimeter within the vagina. The secret to pleasing and impressing a woman sexually has nothing to do with penis size. Instead, concentrate on the movements, and rhythms of your thrusts. Most women will agree that penis size is not enough to please them.
According to the Kinsey Institute, the biggest erect penis on record measures 13 inches. The smallest tops off at 1 and 3/4 inches.