Well, I'm proof that this is absolutely possible. I've had fertility problems resulting in the removal of my left tube. Since I want to have a second kid, I've been closely monitored throughout my cycle. My doctors confirmed by ultrasound that I did ovulate from my left ovary. They said it was rare to have the egg "transmigrate" or travel to the opposite tube but sure enough mine did and I'm pregnant. My doctors said it's the first time they've actually seen it happen in their practice but it does happen. So there is hope for you!
If I Have Only The Right Tube, And Only The Left Ovary Ovulating, Can The Right Tube Catch The Left Ovary Egg?
There is hope! I had an ectopic pregnancy and my left tube was removed. I am now 9 weeks pregnant. The last ultra sound showed that the egg was released from the left ovary (former corpus luteum was seen).
I think so. I had an ectopic pregnancy and lost my left fallopian tube. "They" say the movement of the cilia "beckoning" the egg into the tube is very powerful and if the egg was released from your only ovary, it could fly over to the opposite tube for travel toward the uterus.
I only have my right side working and at 18 was told I had 25% chance of having a baby but now I'm 26 and 4 babies later I was told my right tube was working over time so just keep at it good luck
I recently had an ectopic and lost my right tube. I was told however that the egg came from my left ovary...so don't worry it can happy very easily ;-)
I am sorry the only hope is inverto ,adoption or maybe a foster parent unless they can fix your other ovary
I don't want to be the bearer of bad news; however, your right tube can't catch an egg from your left ovary. I know how bad you want kids. When my husband and I started trying to have kids it took forever. Have you thought of adoption. My prayers are with you.