How To Reduce Butt Size?


10 Answers

Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
You need to eat fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as balancing the rest of your diet. You don't have to cut all the meat and other starch or carb. Foods either. You can have chicken, fish, (but not deep fried), even beef and pork, but you need to cut most of the fat off, not all of it though.
But the one thing that you can do is walk. You can start out slow, and then make the time longer, or pick up your pace and walk for the same amount of time. In 2 weeks of walking, and eating healthy I lost 4 lbs.
Just being active is a plus to losing the weight in the midsection, and buttox. Because you are working out those muscles, especially if you walk up and down small hills. I wouldn't start out on a big hill, you would really suffer from that.
Just make sure you take your time, and don't put yourself in pain, it will work better if you take your time. Hope this helps, good luck.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have got much fat in my thighs and buttocks so I had cycling at home wil that help me reducing fat if I do for 2months and how many inches I can lose through this ,at present my waist size is 40 and each thigh mid circumference 26inches so plz suggest me
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Have you considered starting a running program to really tone and shape your butt to give you that good look your looking towards. Initially start off with very short distances and long distances as you progress. Incorporate the running programme with use of lighter weights since you're more focused on reducing the butt quickly. Good luck.
emma danish Profile
emma danish answered
I would say swimming would give good results along with cycling and avoiding foods high in fat
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Exercixe,eat healthy go to the gym whatever!But don't strain yourself.
Try cycling that definitely helps and if you want to you could learn how to surf!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There is no such thing as Spot Reducing. The body looses fat all over. Never cut out all fats! The body Needs healthy fats, Olive Oil, Fish Oil, Krill Oil--Highest Omega 3's. You need to Only cut out Trans Fats, fast foods, TV Dinners, and sweets. Mainly eat meat and green veggies with a few berries. Don't hog out on sugary fruit or starchy grain type foods like, breads, cereals, pasta. Replace toxic table salt with healthy Real Salt. Drink 8 glasses of water daily and more if exercising. Make exercising fun by playing Tennis, Handball, Swimming, etc.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous , adventurer, answered

I used to be fat before then i just keep biking. The bike saddle came with the bike i purchased doesnt makes my butt hurt. So i change the saddle for big guys to prevent numbness..

I also concious on my diet.. I dont eat carbs and sugar. But when i do cycling i eat low carb compliment it with fats. After 2 months i lose weight and my butt becomes smaller and firm.

Penny Kay Profile
Penny Kay answered
I think a combination of exercise like walking or dancing, or kicking, along with cutting most of the fat in our diets, will do it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I used to have a really big butt... But one of the great workouts that works fast is the stair stepper and running. Other good ways is biking, or dance dance revolution worked for me
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Do Hip raise exercise, leg raising exercise, and air bike exercises.. You will see your body in perfect shape with in 20 days ... Reduce junk food...

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