I read that a hot towel on your breast will make an improvement on your size and also massaging them : Hold your breast gently but firm and massage around and around 8 times counter clockwise then 8 times clockwise then proceed to the next breast , it worked for myself but it might not work for everyone . Since I have been doing those two things I have seen a wonderful improvement on my breast size .
Yes, it does. Maybe not for everyone but for me it did. I began taking 2000-3000 mg of Solgar's vitamin C (high quality) for adrenal fatigue and as a pleasant side effect I noticed that my breast became significantly fuller and larger. It's amazing!!! It took about 3 days. I have experimented 3 times and when I stop taking it they shrink. I tried Sainsbury's brand but it didn't work. Try it! But it may only work if you have an underlying deficiency in a hormone. The adrenal glands produce estrogen and progesterone, so supplementing with megadoses of vitamin C (more than 1000 mg/day) will increase the production.
Ive heard massaging with a olive oil, and warm hands, drinking milk and cabbage and eating vitamin c helps! I went from a small A to a small C! Hope it helps! Xx
Yes. Vitamin c is important for proper cell growth and maintaining optimal health. Don't know about papaya juice, but vitamin c yes!
Yeah vitamin c does help because it helps the cells in the tissue stay stronger and healthier and this is good for the tissue to function properly I take 1 supplement a day and I feel more active and better with my body and vitamin c also helps hair stay healthier which help it grow ( if its healthy ) and also it prevents heart disease and cancer. If your if your taking supplement you shouldn't take 1 supplement on and of you should take ONE JUST ONE every day as it is not stored in the body hope I helped.
Lol , nix
I think if you drink a lot of milk and oranges, it does help if not they eventually grow don't worry about it !;)
Everything works different 4 different people.
I think papaya juice works....I'm going to try it but lots of people say so
You don't need to worry about making your boobs bigger, and I don't think so. There is no hard evidence that I have heard of that suggests that vitamin C makes your boobs bigger. Nor have I heard of papaya juice making your boobs bigger. And I have not heard of cabbage making them bigger!!!
Bogus! If you are under 18ish then maybe you are still growing, as for all that milk, I am sure they did gain a cup size as well as 15-20lbs., which is a definite way to have bigger boobs!
Nope, not a bit.
I want bigger boobs does any of the above help cause I don't want to have surgery and I'm only 14 ????? X
Does the milk drinking really work without gaining weight all over too?
Vitamin C does not make the boobs bigger but chocolate does
No not really it just helps your body stay healthy
Vitamin C does help , I got told it does of a gp because I had problems , and mine are actually bigger than a lot of my friends !!! :)
Hey so I'm 20 years old and I still wear a 32A bra size is there anything I can do to make my breast larger. I at least just want to get to a size B
No! Vit. C does not! But I know butter makes your butt get bigger! LOL, But that is true.
Why does it matter... I don't have very big boobs either and you don't need to worry about it even if you get made fun of just say then it hurts less if you get hit there and then your friends will be jealous that it doesn't hurt you as bad and no nothing can make them grow bigger except cabbage... So if you really want them bigger than eat lots of cabbage!!!
I don't think so. Maybe but not 100%. ^^"
I'm sorry to say but bigger isn't the word. Healthy breast come from being pampered by vitamins and massage. So no it wont make them bigger,healthy but not bigger
Freeze two cabbage leaves in the freezer and put them on your breasts, after the first two cabbage leaves then heat a hot pack and put them on your breasts straight away... Repeat this at least 10 times a day for three weeks. My breast size before I started was a 10A and 3 weeks later they were a 12B.
I am 14 and I get made fun of so much for my small boobs like this girl compared my boobs to this girl who was like in sixth grade. I was so sad. Like my own friends so whoever said you shouldn't care had evry right to care. Wen you had about 20 people between friends and put of school making fun of you and comparing bra sizes, it makes me feel like crap. So I agree too!
No, but drink six glasses of milk a day and it's proven to increase a cup size in about 4 weeks. It worked for me and my best friend
Oh my god you people are stupid... FOURTEEN AND YOU'RE WORRYING ABOUT HOW BIG YOUR BOOBS ARE!? Don't worry... They keep growing till you're about 24, 25 so you've got a ways to go little girls!!!!!
My boobs are huge and I'm11