I Have Low Wbc, Low Neutrophils And High Lymph And High Rdw, What Does It Mean?


10 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You have not given complete information because there is difference between low levels and abnormally low levels and also high levels and abnormally high levels. It is not necessary that a low level or high levels of any blood cell cause problem. Only abnormal values can cause problems.
Neutrophils and Lymphocytes are types of whit blood cells. Abnormal low levels of WBC can cause  increased risk of infection. Abnormal low levels of neutrophils can be due to (<1500) leukemia, infection of bone marrow, radiotherapy and medicines.
Abnormally high levels of lymphocytes (>40%) can be due to flu, chicken pox and some viral and bacterial infection. Some types of leukemia also increase the lymphocytes.
Abnormally high RDW (>14.55) is measured by MCV values. High levels of RDW and MCV can be due to liver diseases, hemolytic anemia, Vitamin B12 deficiency, thalessemia and iron deficiency.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
After taking blood test the results are as follows: Neutrophils is 31 (40-74), Lymphs is 55 (14-46), Neutrophils (Absolute) is 1.5 (1.8-7.8), A/G Ratio is 1 (1.1-2.5), LDL/HDL Ratio is 3.3 (0.0-3.2), Cholesterol, Total is 209 (100-199), and LDL Cholesterol Calc is 145 (0-99). Could you tell me what this all means health wise, and if it can be cured without medication but changing diet? Or is it just a temporary condition, with the exception of cholesterol results?
Mati green Profile
Mati green answered
RDW is red cell distribution width. If you have a high RDW it means you have abnormally large red blood cells. Rdw's are increased in the different types of anemias, alcohol abuse and transfusions.A high RDW can also be caused by agglutination of the blood sample, simply meaning the sample started to clot and needs to be discarded and a new blood sample needs to be drawn and the test repeated.. It can also be caused by rouleau, which is where the rbc's stack together in a sample like a roll of coins. This gives a false RDW as the automated counter counts the stacked rbcs as one big cell and not individual cells stuck together.
It is the Neutrophils job to ward off infection and when you don't have enough neutrophils you are more susseptable to infections. Neutropenia, or low neutrophils ia caused by hereditary disorders, cancers, radiation exposure, Vitamin B12 or Folate deficiency, aplastic anemia, hemodialisis, and viral infections. There are  different types of lymphocytes,( b- lymphs, t-  lymphs, and natural killer cells) each has a different function. A high Lymphocyte count could be caused by many things, depending on how high and which lymphocyte is elevated.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I looked up rdw on wikipedia and got this response: "The "width" in RDW is sometimes thought of as "misleading," since it in fact is a measure of deviation of the volume of RBCs, and not directly the diameter. However, "width" refers to the width of the volume curve (distribution width), not the width of the cells. Thus, it is a reasonably accurate term."
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have low neutrophils 36
and lymphs 53 what does this mean?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have low neutrophils, high lymphocyte, high WBC , high lymphocyte absolute count. And also RDW is elevated. What could this be indicative of?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 20 years old, male and I checked my blood because I was having a flu and my blood test come up to be 3.2 wbc, 13.3 hemoglobin, and 6.8 rbc, my doctor order me to do another test in 3 days please someone tell me am I in danger, or what's wrong with me ????? I'm rally scare of having a leukemia
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have a low neutrophils 36
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Wish I knew I have the same.  Seem to be healthy just a few random health issues.  Sore knees just diagnosed with RA.  I have had celiac disease for 10 years however doing well. ???? Unusual lab values though

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