Can You Describe The Principles Of Fat Loss, Lean Weight Gain And Weight Maintenance?


11 Answers

Oddman Profile
Oddman answered
Step 1: Resolve the emotional issues that you have regarding eating, food, appearance, expectations, and relationships that cause you to seek comfort in food or make bad choices about food.

Step 2: Eat less.

Step 3: Exercise more.
Doing Step 1 will substantially reduce the anxiety associated with Step 2 and Step 3, as you are no longer focused on food. It is quite often a waste of time and will-power to try to skip Step 1.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Weight can be maintained, decreased or increased by  calculating daily calorie requirements according to your daily activities like sedentary, moderately active, active and very active. To calculate daily calorie requirements, first of basal metabolic rate (BMR) is calculated by following formula and then follow strictly these calories intake.
BMR for Men=66+(13.7 X wt in kg)+(5 X ht in cm)-(6.8X age in years)
BMR for women =655+(9.6 X wt in kg)+(1.8 X ht in cm)-(4.7 X age in years).
Now multiply your BMR with activity multiplier.
Sedentary = BMR X 1.2
Lightly active = BMR X 1.375
Moderate Active = BMR X 1.55
Very active = BMR X 1.725
Extraordinary active = BMR X 1.9.
In this way you can calculate your daily calories requirements. If you want to reduce or increase weight then put your desired weight in the weight space of the BMR formula.
Rose Rose selva Profile
Rose Rose selva answered

How To Lose Fat – The Basic Principles Of Fat Loss

Many people want to know how to lose fat, which could be
for a number of reasons such as: To become fitter, healthier, back in good
shape or look more attractive.

Also, fat loss is very important for people who want to get a muscular or
toned body. It’s important to get rid of excess fat when building muscle so
that you can have a good level of leanness and  muscle definition that
will result in an impressive  physique.

If your body has a lot more
fat than it should, then this is caused by a combination of your genetics,
eating habits and lifestyle that provides the way for your body to
consistently store excess fat.

However, if you want to get rid of fat to get your body to become leaner,
then this can be done by learning the basic principles of fat loss and using a
good fat burning diet and exercise program that will work for you.

Just likegaining muscle mass, losing fat takes time and discipline.
You must be consistently following a good fat loss program that is designed
properly to fit your personal circumstances to reach success.

Below I outline the basic principles of how to lose fat that all fat
loss/weight loss plans and programs have to address.

How Excess Fat Is Stored In The Body

Although losing fat is the focus of this article it’s important to first
have an understanding of how you get fat on your body in the first place. This
is necessary if you seriously want to get lean and stay lean.

Without elaborating, you get fat anytime you consume more calories than your
body burns in a day. Calories are contained in different quantities in all
types of foods that we eat and drink, and they provide energy for your
body to do everything.

For example, a small size bar of Chocolate contains a lot more calories
than a big Apple. Therefore, eating lots of chocolate will result in a large
amount of calories accumulating in your body quickly. Any time your total daily
calorie intake is more than your total daily energy expenditure, you’ll gain

    “Some foods contain a lot more calories than
others. Therefore, they’ll make you fat faster

Whenever you eat lots of calories and do not use them all up (burn energy),
mainly because you did not do enough physical activity, the extra calories will
be stored as fat.

Consuming more calories than the amount your body needs to maintain it’s
weight is also known as a calorie surplus. A calorie surplus normally leads to
weight gain because if the body is not using up calories, it’ll store them. And
unless you do proper resistance training to build muscle with the extra
calories, they will be stored as fat.

To put it in a simple equation:

More calories In, less calories out = weight gain
More calories out, less calories in = weight loss
Resistance exercise plus weight gain = muscle mass gain (with possibly
some fat)

Weight gain with no resistance exercise = Mostly fat stored

So the above shows that calories consumed in excess results in weight gain
because the extra calories are not used up by the body to supply for energy
demands. And it also shows that the only way weight gain would not be mostly
fat stored is when resistance training is applied to build muscle mass with the
extra calories.

How To Lose Fat Is To Make Use Of The Right Diet And Exercise Plan
To Achieve A Caloric Deficit

A caloric deficit is a must to lose fat stored in the body. A caloric
deficit simply means consuming less calories than the amount your body burns,
and this actually is the most important factor for losing body fat. The longer
your body remains in a healthy calorie deficit, the more fat you’ll burn.

How To Create A Caloric Deficit?

You create a calorie deficit by consuming less calories in your diet and/or
exercising more to burn additional calories so that you are consuming less
calories than you expend. You first have to calculate your calorie maintenance level or total daily energy expenditure
to be able to create a deficit.

When your body is not getting enough calories from your food intake to use
for energy demands, it’ll start burning the fats that’s stored in your body.
That’s the reason a calorie deficit is crucial to achieve fat loss.

Although the calorie deficit is the paramount factor for fat loss, there are
a lot more elements that are also very important.

Some people, after learning that a calorie deficit is what they need to lose
body fat, may decide to simply cut lots of calories from their diet by removing
almost all foods that are high in calories and start exercising aggressively
for hours everyday.

This may sound like the right thing to do for losing fat fast, but it’s not
the correct approach to take for long term, sustainable fat loss and success in
getting lean.

You Must Have A Good Healthy Plan To
Lose Fat Correctly

The right thing to do when you want to start losing body fat is to take time
to figure out which fat loss plan is right for you by taking into consideration
other factors such as maintaining good health, maintaining muscle mass, your
body type, your ability to stick to the plan etc.

Working along with a well structured, safe, suitable and effective plan to
lose fat will greatly increase your chances of successfully reducing the amount
of body fat that you want to get rid of, because it’ll make your efforts more
likely to produce positive results without negative side effects.

All fat loss programs must be structured properly to allow the users to
create a calorie deficit to burn stored fat, but there are different ways of
creating the deficit. A combination of proper nutrition and exercise is the
best way to lose fat and get additional benefits.

Everyone’s circumstances and goals are different and would need to use the
right fat loss plan that’ll work best for them. A fat loss plan can be as
simple as eating less food and walking more everyday or as complex as tracking
every nutrition component in your diet and performing strategic cardio and
weight lifting workouts.

Of course, the type of plan that you use will impact the results that you
get. But don’t think about results alone when considering which approach to
use. Try to be objective by looking at everything that will affect you such as
your personal preferences, body type, lifestyle, schedules etc.

So on a final note, losing fat is accomplished by a calorie deficit and
anyone can do it, but you must use the right diet and exercise program that
meet your individual needs best to reach success.

Nabil Al-Baidhani Profile

Here are some tips

1. Eat less carbs

2. Give up or reduce the amount of Sugar You consume

3. Give up all kind of drinks except Water

4. Drink 2 cups of warm water first thing when you wake up in the morning

5. Don't eat anything for 45 mins after those two cups of water

6. Eat Your dinner as early as possible

7. No carbs to no carbs for dinner

8. Do a lot of Cardio at the gym, if You don't have time,Buy a treadmill for home.

9. Do weight lifting as much as you can

10. Follow some kind of dieting programs if You really need it

11. Make sure that Your calorie intake is negative

12. Track Your progress to gain motivation

I know doing all these is hard and not practical if You are a busy person, but try what you can. The most important thing you need to do is, Watch what You eat and work out

John  Munos Profile
John Munos answered

For just about everyone 1500 is the magic number. Just about everyone will lose weight on a diet of 1500 calories. The weight loss will be sensible an slow. You will lose weight at 1500 calories. There is no magic answer to weight loss, but there are simple things you can do. Eat a healthy diet of about 1500 calories a day - you do need to learn to count calories and there are tons of sites that will help you with that, as well as the labels on foods. Eliminate ALL junk food, sodas, pop, sweets, fried foods, fast foods, fruit juices, and processed foods. Eat fruit, veggies, a few nuts, lean meat and fish, whole grain breads and cereals, low fat dairy products. Go for a brisk 45 minute walk twice a day, everyday. Climb lots of stairs. Drink plenty of water. I recmonded you Tdee calculator app through this you get more results about Total Daily Energy Expenditure .

Carlos  Marino Profile
Carlos Marino answered

You're making more difficult than it needs to be.

All diets, regardless if they are counting points(weight watchers), food exchanges, calories, or have you eating certain foods which inhibit you from eating more calories(calories are a unit of measurement for energy) work on the same principle. Get the body to burn more calories than it takes in via manipulation of energy balance.
What is energy balance? It's a term used to describe the balance of energy(again measured in calories in the U.S. Or Joules in Asia/Europe) with either it being negative or positive.
When it's positive, you are in a energy surplus(excess calories) than your body requires to function and the excess is "stored" in body fat.  If you wants to track your weight on daily basis then use this weight loss tracker app through which you can easily came to know about your calories level.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi There,    Following tips you may find helpful.    Eat healthy
You need to eat healthy to loose weight.  A healthy, well-balanced diet is the best way to lose excess weight i.e. A balanced diet of protein, unsaturated fat,  carbohydrates (potatoes, wholegrain bread and pasta), vegetables and fruit. It should be low in saturated fat, salt and sugar.
  It is good to eat more fruit and vegetables  
A study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that slim people ate one more portion of fruit a day than those who were overweight. So eat lots of fruits.
    You may find more tips on the following webpage   

Christy Muller Profile
Christy Muller answered

Weight Maintenance:

You will maintain your current weight by keeping your daily caloric intake at or around your maintenance level.

Maintenance calories = bodyweight x 15. (ex: 130 poundsx15 = 1,950 calories/day).

Fat Loss:

You lose fat by maintaining a caloric deficit over time.  Try eating 500 calories less than your maintenance each day(in this example, that would be 1,450)...that will create a 3,500 calorie/week deficit which is the amount of calories you need to burn to lose 1 pound.

Note: When in a deficit, you can't control how much of the weight loss is fat, how much is muscle loss or how much is simply water weight loss...

When you first start a diet you will see a lot of water weight loss in the first week....

To avoid muscle loss, do resistance training and don't maintain too large a caloric deficit (500 calories below is a safe deficit)...remember, cardio can further reduce your deficit past 500 calories/day...this is fine if you have more weight on you to lose though.

Lean Weight Gain:

Adding lean mass to your frame comes from breaking down your muscle tissues by lifting heavy weights and eating in a caloric surplus to provide the nutrients to build the muscle.

Again, to minimize the fat gain when in a surplus of calories, don't eat more than 500 calories OVER your maintenance daily...Eating 200-300 calories over maintenance will ensure most of the weight is lean mass.

Make sure you're getting at least your bodyweight in grams of protein.  So if you weigh 130 pounds, get at least 130g of protein...

Protein is necessary to build lean tissue.

Also, make sure you are lifting a weight that is heavy (you can just barely lift about 8x on the first set), if you don't lift heavy, those extra calories are more likely to go to fat storage than repairing/building muscle tissue.

You can find more info on the proper way to go about any of these goals here.

Shelley Telsass Profile
Shelley Telsass , Health and Fitness Expert, answered

Bodyweight - Fat Burning Exercises- Best Fat Burning Exercises

21-Minute Method, You CAN Eat Carbs, Enjoy Your Favorite Foods, and STILL Burn Away A Bit Of Belly Fat Each and Every Day

This method of body weight workouts for women and men include do sit ups burn fat is one of the most effective fat burning exercises.

Most people who have shed pounds know you need to exercise to consume fat, remain fit as a fiddle, decrease pressure, wipe out wellbeing dangers, and get the body you want…

What not very many individuals acknowledge is that you might practice excessively...

Also, that short exercises of around 21 minutes have been deductively demonstrated to give all of you the advantages of longer exercises — without the negative symptoms you'll find out about in one moment

For more details; Bodyweight - Fat Burning Exercises- Best Fat Burning Exercises

Video description: Click here!!

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Basic principals of weight loss, weight gain and weight maintenance are dependent on basic metabolic rate and life style. By calculating basal metabolic rate, you can calculate amount of calories required to reduce , increase or maintain weight. You can calculate BMR by formula
BMR for Men=66+(13.7 X wt in kg)+(5 X ht in cm)-(6.8X age in years)
BMR for women =655+(9.6 X wt in kg)+(1.8 X ht in cm)-(4.7 X age in years).
Now multiply your BMR with activity multiplier.
Sedentary = BMR X 1.2, Lightly active = BMR X 1.375,
Moderate Active = BMR X 1.55, Very active = BMR X 1.725, Extraordinary active = BMR X 1.9.
In this way you can calculate your daily calories requirements. If you want to reduce or increase weight then put your desired weight in the weight space of the BMR formula.

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