Can Siblings With The Same Parents Have Different Blood Types 1 O- And The Other A+?


14 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm O- and my sister is B+   Can this information alone tell you if we are full siblings or half siblings?
thanked the writer.
Kyoko Katayama
Kyoko Katayama commented
With this information alone, you and your sister could be full siblings, half siblings, or not related by blood at all. This is simply not sufficient information.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
What blood types would the parents have to be if one child is b+ and the other is a-?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
What if Mother 0+, Father B+ - my sister is B+ me and my brother A+? Doesnt make sense to me :(
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dad has refused a d n a test.would I be able to have a test with my full sister ,to see if we have the same father
Mati green Profile
Mati green answered
Blood type O- offspring can only come from an O- parent. Only one parent has to be O-. If the other parent is A+ then the offspring can have A+ or O+ blood. In this case, If one parent is A+ and the other is O- then the only blood types that they can produce is A+.A-, O+ or O-. If neither parent has O- blood then they can't possibly produce an O- child. If the siblings are A+ and O- then the parents MUST have A+.A-.O+ or O- blood.
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aileeny commented
Positive is dominant to negative so that two positive parents who are both not pure breeding for rh pos.and are therefore both carriers for the rh neg gene can have a rh neg child as well as obviously pos kids as well. A baby only needs 1 copy of the pos gene to be pos but it needs 2 copies of the neg gene (1 from each parent) to be neg A and B are co dominant and o is recessive. A child needs two copies of o ( 1 from each parent) to be o group. The ABo and RH factors are independent
Anonymous commented
Do I understand correct. My Dad is A+, My Mom O+, I am O-. Does this mean he is not my dad? Please could someone set me straight. I have reason to believe that he is not my dad, but can not prove it.
Kyoko Katayama
Kyoko Katayama commented
Sorry, Mati, you blew it. Both parents can be AO and produce offspring with AA, AO, or OO blood types. Both parents can be Rh-+ and produce childrenpos or neg for Rh factor.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes...blood group type is not herited...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

My blood group is 0- and my sister is A-. It has been hinted that we don't have the same father. Could we have the same father with these blood groups?

Eleanor jones Profile
Eleanor jones answered
They can yes BUT it all depends upon what the parents blood groups are and also whether they are pure for their groups. So sometimes the children have to be all the same but in other siblings there can be several differences.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
One parent with A+, the other with A-, can they produce child with O blood group. The grandfather might be O or the grandmother. Can it be genetics if child has different blood group to the parents.
thanked the writer.
Kyoko Katayama
Kyoko Katayama commented
Yes, these two parents can have a child with O blood type. They can also have a child with A blood type. They can also have children who are Rh pos or neg. There is no need for an O blood type in a grandparent for this to occur. It is ALWAYS genetics whether a child has the same blood type as the parents or has a different blood type.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
How can you get a child with one parent 0 posative and the other a neg and come up with an ab neg child
thanked the writer.
Kyoko Katayama
Kyoko Katayama commented
You can't. Blood types of the offspring would be A or O, but never AB. Rh factor would be either neg or pos.

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