Can you get yourself off to see your doctor as soon as possible and ask them to give you some advice and help as to social services and coucilling help for young people in your position.
You may be able to get help to rent a flat or rooms so you need to find out what benefits you are entitled to for you and your baby when he or she arrives.
Do you have no-one at all who canhelp? Where are you living now?
If your partner or parents won't help you need as much advice and practical support as you can get. Look up preganacy advice centres in the phone book or on the internet and get yourself along to talk to someone. It sounds as if your baby's father isn't supporting you so you need to think about yourself and baby perhaps alone. Try and stay were you are now and if your in employment ask about maternity leave and benefits. If you're unemployed speak to a benefits adviser, if you're a student ask a student welare adviser for help.
Don't despair, it's easy to say that but someone will be able to advise you and hopefully help ypu to make some desisions to help you and good luck to you.
You may be able to get help to rent a flat or rooms so you need to find out what benefits you are entitled to for you and your baby when he or she arrives.
Do you have no-one at all who canhelp? Where are you living now?
If your partner or parents won't help you need as much advice and practical support as you can get. Look up preganacy advice centres in the phone book or on the internet and get yourself along to talk to someone. It sounds as if your baby's father isn't supporting you so you need to think about yourself and baby perhaps alone. Try and stay were you are now and if your in employment ask about maternity leave and benefits. If you're unemployed speak to a benefits adviser, if you're a student ask a student welare adviser for help.
Don't despair, it's easy to say that but someone will be able to advise you and hopefully help ypu to make some desisions to help you and good luck to you.