I think they are. My teeth are messed up and i need braces becasue my teeth are all over the place. But i dont think they will look good on me
On me, hell no. On someone else, just maybe...
It depends whos wearing tem cause some people look good and others dont
I thought they looked adorable on my friend, not-so-cute on my other friend, and pretty bad on me =) but that was mainly because I had huge gap from a missing tooth right near the front, lol. If you have a full set of teeth (and you're not getting a fake tooth or something) then yes they can be pretty cute.
I wanted coloured ones at first but went for the silver instead and I preferred it in the end =D
I wanted coloured ones at first but went for the silver instead and I preferred it in the end =D
I actually think some people look absolutely cute with braces on =D
It depends who's wearing them. Besides, you're cuter
I have no problem with them.
Yes, i think they are cut
Ye, i think a girl looks canny pretty with braces on...cute :P
Defoo....just make sure that you dont have food in them....;)
Yea some people really look cute with braces..
Yea cuz i got dem 2 >_<
My wife and I both have braces and headgear. I think she is really cute with her silver smile. She thinks the lisp from my tongue crib is funny and cute.
No, they are not, I had the braces and they were so tight on me, omg I could not stand it.
The colored ones turn me right off. Happy just get them for a year fix your teeth and relax forever
Braces are never cute to anyone if you look at it negatively, but in reality they are not only helpful they give you a look of sweet innocence. So yes they are cute in my opinion...
Nope! Why the well wud they be cute? Little metal things around sumone's teeth tht pains them...sure they're really cute aren't they...8) lol...well....on me they look horrible but thts just me....nthin ever looks nice on me anyway.....happy dayys! 8)