Girls usually start their period around about 12 or 13. Some start as young as 8 and I’ve heard of girls not starting till they are nearly 17! You’re probably in the middle and you should have started to see the signs of your body changing already.
Here is a link to a quiz called When Will I get My first Period? Maybe it will help you see if you are nearly ready. quiz
How do you make it come faster?
There isn’t any proof that anything can help you to get your first period - but you could try a few things that won’t do you any harm.
Drink milk and eat Yoghurt
Drink green tea and drink more water
Exercise more
Just remember to be prepared and have a small supply of pads ready in your school bag or locker. Lots of girls get very worried about what will actually happen when their period starts - will everyone know? No-one will know unless you tell them.
My best friend Mary was 14 before she got her first period. Every month she would cry and say, “I’m never going to get my period”
One morning in class she was crying again. I asked her, “Still no period?”
She wailed again, “Yes! I’ve got it and I don’t like it!” So you see nothing’s perfect.
Just to let you know this question has been asked on Blurtit before Here have a look and see if you pick up some good advice!