
What Are The Causes Of High Or Low Birth And High Or Low Death Rate?


4 Answers

Arthur Wright Profile
Arthur Wright answered
Natural causes is #1 then the rest is due to man which vehicle accidents, suicides, drug ODs, accidents but not in this order
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Usually the cause of a high birth rate is because there are a lot of teen mothers who don't have access to birth control. Cause of a high death rate would be because of poverty and disease.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are lots of causes, in third world countries, most female prefer less children when they are educated!, High and Low birth rates is not merely a demographic matter, they are tied to humans perception about reality, Social institution --religion, culture and tradition--gender preference...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The cause of high birth rate is a high number of couples having unprotected intercourse.
The cause of  low  birth rate is a high number of couples having protected  intercourse or
  no intercourse.
The cause of a high death rate is a high number of people's hearts stop pumping for them.
The cause of a low death  rate is a high number of people have hearts still pumping.

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